Begin The Journey



Not everyone can be a Freemason. There are minimum requirements that must be met.


Only adults can become Freemasons. For this reason, Freemasonry requires that an applicant be at least 18 years of age.


Traditionally, only men were stonemasons (the craft that evolved into Freemasonry) and if there’s one thing Freemasons love, it’s tradition. Therefore, only men are permitted to join our order. There are quasi-masonic organisations such as The Order of the Eastern Star for people (men and women) who object to this requirement. However, these groups do not practice Freemasonry per se.


Craft and Chapter Freemasonry is non-denominational in that it doesn’t matter what faith you are, but you must be a man of faith. You will not be required to justify your faith, nor encouraged to change it. Indeed, the discussion of Religion and Politics is forbidden in the lodge as it can so easily lead to disharmony. You will, however, be reminded to live your life in accordance with the divine principles inherent to your faith.


Freemasonry has the reputation of making “good men better”. This means that you should have a reasonable level of morality to start with. For this reason, anyone with a criminal record is ineligible to join our order.


We don’t want you to waste your time and money becoming a member if it’s not going to be enjoyable for you. For that reason we have this penultimate step. If you are not already familiar with a mason then you will be required to spend at least six months with us in a social context. This means that, although you are not permitted to witness the ceremonies, you will be most welcome to attend our dinners afterward. You’ll probably make some good friends during this time and so may find yourself invited to social events outside of the lodge as well.


Despite the imposing title, it’s more of a casual chat. A representative group (usually three) from our lodge will meet with you (and any significant members of your family). If we feel that your becoming a Freemason would cause disharmony within your family, then you will not be allowed to join. This meeting will allow you (and your family) to ask any questions that you may have about Freemasonry. It also gives us a chance to check that you can afford the time (about 5 hours, once a fortnight) and the cost (about $500 a year) that membership requires. This group will then report back to the lodge and a vote will be taken on whether or not to allow you to proceed. It’s that easy.


So, if you feel you are worthy and would like to embark on this journey, then email us at and we’ll begin.