Fab becomes a Master

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  Fab has finally made it to the degree of Master Mason. “Wow”, he exclaimed just after the ceremony, “that was really different. Intense”. As some of you may realize, to be ‘given the 3rd degree’ is an expression that has been taken from Freemasonry and is now a common saying among the general public. It has a similar meaning to the expression to be ‘dragged over the coals’. Fab, being aware of this, sought comfort from his mentor. Ever the devil, Mark pointed at the scar on his head and said “I’ve done the 3rd degree. All I can tell you is to have your wits around you and be quick on your feet”. As you can see, Fab survived without injury and is now one of those select people who truly understands the secrets of a Master Mason.

Fab climbs the ranks

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It was a big night for Fab recently when he traded his Entered Apprentices apron for a Fellow Craft One. Fab joined the Freemasons (partially) to improve his public speaking skills and you’d never believe he had a problem with speaking in-front of a group of people. His test questions were answered perfectly and his response to the toast in the South that evening was short, to the point and sincere. His secret? Like the video in the Media page says, “Repetition is the mother of learning”. Well done Fab. The chair awaits.

A Jewish guy walked into a lodge…

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I was out visiting another lodge last night (making new friends is a big part of masonry). A Jewish Rabbi was being initiated into their lodge. On the Masters pedestal laid the Bible (the standard book for the lodge) but, because the initiate was Jewish, the Torah was also there so he could swear an oath on the book that had spiritual significance to him. The meal afterward was buffet style in order to accommodate the dietary restrictions of Jewish people during Passover. It sounds like the beginning of a joke, but there was a Jewish Rabbi, a couple of people from Persia, an Eckist, a Christian and a guy from Mauritius all smiling and laughing together. The ages ranged from people in their twenties to people in their eighties but we all got along well. It’s hard to think of a more diverse bunch of people, but Freemasonry had brought them all together as brothers. It was a great way to spend a night.


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Only a few years ago, our lodge was banished (at some expense) from our splendid home on the first floor and driven down into the basement (effectively making us a truly underground organisation). Thanks to the heroic lobbying of some sympathetic masons, we ascended (at much more expense) once more to the first floor. Now, it seems, our traveling days are again upon us. Sometime soon, we will be cast out once more. But when? And to go where? Stay tuned for updates.