Bro. Arden Gevero becomes a Master Mason

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Bro Arden Gevero (who recently joined us as a Fellowcraft) has managed to squeeze his 3rd degree in just before our Installation and so becomes our last Master Mason for 2018/2019. There was a moment of consternation when we discovered that he hadn’t managed to obtain his own Master Masons Apron in time for the ceremony and a search through the cupboards turned up a few of every sort of apron except the one we needed.

Luckily, the WM (using that time honoured masculine technique of searching in exactly the same spot several times whilst hoping for a different result) did manage to locate a correct one and the ceremony could proceed as planned. Sort of…

Our lack of a Senior Warden was a bit of a thorn in the side but, fortunately, our DGIW stepped into the breach. He was slightly rattled when he discovered that it was a 3rd degree (he thought it was a 2nd) and even more rattled when he was informed that there would be a Master Masons certificate to present AND it would be appreciated if he could present Bro. Gevero with his VSL.

The WM was secretly pleased that he got to rattle the DGIW instead of the other way around.