Those people who have visited The Guildford Bassendean Lodge will be aware that we lack an Organist. Unfortunately, this is an increasing problem for many lodges as, among the sub-set of new members, there are very few who can play that particular instrument. Will there be a time in the future where the Masonic Odes are being sung to the metallic sounds of an electric guitar?
I suspect not 🙂
I visited a lodge recently, which is blessed with an organist, and noticed something interesting. When the music was playing, the brethren’s voices were often subdued. Whether it was a case of unfamiliarity with the words or a fear that one’s voice was not acceptable I couldn’t say. However, it was definitely the case that most of the brethren were hiding behind the music.
A certain vertically challenged Mason who is well known and loved by us all started making the ‘crank it up’ signal but the response was sadly lacking. Finally, unable to take anymore, he started slamming his hand on the table and singing at the top of his voice. 🙂 He was promptly joined by the brethren (sans the hand slamming) and the song finished strongly.
As I mentioned earlier, Guildford Bassendean doesn’t have an organist and so there is nothing for the brethren to hide behind when it comes to the anthems and odes. In the South, this usually results in an enjoyable performance where the people who fear they have less than perfect voices make up for it in volume. There are individual key changes mid-song (as 20 people all try to harmonise as they go along), inconsistent pauses between verses and occasional individual interpretations as to the actual words.
It’s a performance that enhances beautifully the personality of the lodge I’ve come to love.